
frequently asked questions

What other allergens might contaminate my food?

We use eggs, dairy, soy, and nuts in some of our recipes. Please just let us know if you have any other food allergies or sensitivities so we can come up with alternate ingredients for your order. Please note that this might incur an extra charge for special ingredients.

Are you sure it's gluten-free??

As sure as we can be! We share a gluten-free kitchen with other bakers who are equally committed to eliminating cross-contamination. Every one of our ingredients is certified gluten-free... We even make our own vanilla extract to reduce risk! You don't have to wonder or worry if this food will hurt you because we take this so seriously.

How do I order?

We offer free delivery to Newport, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Bristol, and Warren. You can also arrange a pick-up at our kitchen location at Hope & Main. We ask that all orders be placed before Monday evening for delivery the same week. 
***Christmas Orders*** 
Please order by December 20th for delivery to Newport County and Bristol County on December 24th. 

ingredients list
We got our start in the summer of 2019 with Hope & Main in Warren, Rhode Island. H&M is a non-profit food incubator that helps locals begin food-related businesses. Click on their icon above to visit their website and see other Hope & Main affiliates!
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